Advanced Usage

Modifying EPUB Content

To modify the content within an EPUB file, you can use the ContentManager class to access specific files, make changes, and save them.

use PhpEpub\EpubFile;
use PhpEpub\ContentManager;

$epubFilePath = '/path/to/your.epub';

// Load the EPUB file
$epubFile = new EpubFile($epubFilePath);

// Access the content manager
$tempDir = $epubFile->getTempDir();
$contentManager = new ContentManager($tempDir);

// Retrieve and modify content
$contentFile = 'chapter1.xhtml';
$content = $contentManager->getContent($contentFile);
$modifiedContent = str_replace('Old Text', 'New Text', $content);

// Save the modified content
$contentManager->updateContent($contentFile, $modifiedContent);

Saving Changes

Save to the Same File

To save changes to the same EPUB file:


This will overwrite the original EPUB file with the modified content.

Save as a New File

To save the modified EPUB as a new file:

$newEpubFilePath = '/path/to/new.epub';

This will create a new EPUB file with the changes, leaving the original file unchanged.

Converting EPUB

You can convert an EPUB to PDF using one of the available adapters.

Convert to PDF Using DompdfAdapter

use PhpEpub\Converters\DompdfAdapter;

$dompdfAdapter = new DompdfAdapter();
$dompdfAdapter->convert('/path/to/extracted/epub', '/path/to/output.pdf');

Convert to PDF Using TCPDFAdapter

To convert using TCPDF:

use PhpEpub\Converters\TCPDFAdapter;

$tcpdfAdapter = new TCPDFAdapter();
$tcpdfAdapter->convert('/path/to/extracted/epub', '/path/to/output.pdf');

Convert to MOBI Using CalibreAdapter

To convert using Calibre:

use PhpEpub\Converters\CalibreAdapter;

$options = [
    'calibre_path' => '/usr/bin/ebook-convert',
    'extra_args' => '--output-profile kindle',

$calibreAdapter = new CalibreAdapter($options);
$calibreAdapter->convert('/path/to/input.epub', '/path/to/');